RESTful NetApp Checks

Check NetApp-REST is the more modern successor of Check NetApp-ZAPI. The checks are delivered as dependency-free binaries and target the modern RESTful API of NetApp’s Ontap 9.8 or higher operating systems.

These monitoring-plugins are compatible with Icinga, Nagios Core/XI, OP5 Monitor, Shinken, Zabbix and CheckMK.

Would you like to get a free trial license for the checks? Just drop us an email.

check_netapp_aggregate usage monitors the aggregates used size. [help]
check_netapp_aggregate free monitors the aggregates free size. [help]
check_netapp_aggregate inodes monitors the aggregates used or free inodes (max_files). [help]
check_netapp_aggregate state monitors the aggregate state (online, offline). [help]
check_netapp_aggregate object-store checks the aggregate object stores to see if they are available. [help]
check_netapp_certificate checks SVM (and possibly also other) certificates for their expiration time. Will trigger an alarm if certificates expire soon (configurable thresholds). [help]
check_netapp_disk checks if disks are in a specific container (e.g. aggregate or spare) [help]
check_netapp_ems checks the ems log for the number of certain events per time unit (rate) or in total. Alerts, for example, if too many autogrow events have taken place. [help]
check_netapp_flexcache checks the flexcache connection status. [help]
check_netapp_health monitors the system- and subsystems health state. Sends an alarm if the system health status does not match a given pattern like ‘ok’. [help]
check_netapp_interface checks the states (admin, oper, is-home) of the IP-interfaces (LIF, logical interface). [help]
check_netapp_netport checks if the network-interfaces are enabled and/or up. [help]
check_netapp_node checks the nodes NVRAM battery state, the fans, the giveback-state, ha-enabled, power-supplies, node-state, temperature, uptime (time since last reboot) and the Ontap version. [help]
check_netapp_node service-processor checks the service-processor’s state (online), IP-configuration, update-state and link-status. Also prints the firmware-version into the message. [help]
check_netapp_s3bucket checks the free or used size in an S3 bucket linked to a NetApp filer. [help]
check_netapp_shelfenv checks, the shelf-status, power-supplys, temperature, fans, voltage- and current-sensors but also the coin-batteries on the shelves. [help]
check_netapp_snapmirror checks the health- and mirror-state of snap-mirror relations. Monitors also different metrics (lag-time, last-transfer-size, last-transfer-duration) [help]
check_netapp_snapmirror metric checks metrics of SnapMirror-relations. E.g. lag-time, transfer-duration, transfer-size. [help]
check_netapp_snapshot volume size checks the storage space occupied by snapshots on the volumes. [help]
check_netapp_snapshot volume count checks for e.g. outdated snapshots. [help]
check_netapp_spare counts the number of available spare-disks or spare-partitions and sends an alarm if this number falls below a given threshold. Considers also the type of the disk (or partition) and its location. [help]
check_netapp_storageport checks for degraded or otherwise non-ok storage-ports. [help]
check_netapp_volume autosize checks whether the total size of the volume is close to its autosize-maximum. [help]
check_netapp_volume state checks for volumes that are offline or in another undesired state (configurable). [help]
check_netapp_volume usage checks the space already used on volumes. Its aggregated command allows to do some math on the aggregated values of all (filtered) volumes. Both the sum and the average for several volumes can be calculated. [help]
check_netapp_volume age checks the age of volumes. [help]
check_netapp_volume inodes checks how many inodes (max_files) of an aggregate are used or still free. [help]
check_netapp_volume missing checks for (unintentionally) removed volumes. [help]
check_netapp_vserver state checks if a vserver is running or in another state. [help]

Would you like to get a free trial license for the checks? Just drop us an email.